Adding a Phone

You can manually add a single phone to the server.

To add a phone:
1. In the Manage Users page (Setup > Users & Devices > Manage Users), click + under the Actions column in the row of the listed added user.

2. Enter the 'Display Name', i.e., the device's name to be displayed in Device Manager.
3. From the 'Device Template' dropdown, select a template.
4. Enter the 'MAC Address'. MAC prefix format example: mac": "00171905c48a
AudioCodes MAC addresses' prefixes can be one of the following:
"00908F" -or-
Prior to Version 8.2.3000, AudioCodes had only "00908F"
From Version 8.2.3000 and later, AudioCodes has "00908F" as well as "001719".
Each vendor has its own MAC prefixes.
5. From the 'Firmware' dropdown, select the firmware relevant to the phone.
6. [Optional] Expand +Advanced Settings.
From the 'Devices Language' dropdown, select the language you want the phone interface to display.
From the 'VLAN Discovery mode' dropdown, select Manual / CDP / LLDP / CDP_LLDP. See here for more information.
7. Click Submit and then click Back to see the added device in the Manage Users page under the Devices column (click +).